We are dedicated to protect
& preserve Yukon Grizzlies.
Please take action and sign our petition to ban trophy hunting!
Download the PDF here, have it signed by as many people as you can and send a scan or picture of it to support@grizzlybearprotectionyukon.com.
Our priorities.
To protect Grizzly bears and their habitat in the Yukon.
A moratorium for Grizzly bear hunt ’till we have exact population numbers.
Abolish roadside killing.
Establish a rehabilitation facility for cubs and injured bears.
federal Species At Risk Act (SARA)
GRIZZLY HUNT still goes on.
Together we can make a change.
Vision Statement
We envision The Yukon recognizing grizzly bears as an iconic species, worthy of protection from hunting and preserved for future generations.
Mission Statement
We collaborate respectfully with Yukoners, to end the hunting of grizzly bears in The Yukon, through advocacy, education, and promotion of non harmful bear viewing opportunities.
Latest News

First Nations, B.C. government move to ban black bear hunting in an effort to protect rare spirit bears
First Nations, B.C. government move to ban black bear hunting in an effort to protect rare spirit bearsThe B.C. government has banned the hunting of black bears in the territories of the Kitasoo/Xai'xais and Gitga'at First Nations in the Great Bear Rainforest, in...